Kids and Fevers - Flu

I am writing this rough draft as I lay here with my son who has a fever. I don't jump to reduce a fever. I like when my kids get a fever. It means their body is working to fight off the infection. When you reduce a fever with medication, you interfere with your body's natural defenses. When sick, I don’t allow any added sugar as sugar depresses the immune system. The goal is SLEEP, lots of sleep. This is also why I don’t like giving a fever reducer, because when you do, a child will feel better to run around and not give their body the rest they need

I keep @genexa pain reliever and dye free @motrin on hand just in case *for a child under 12 weeks old, if they get a fever over 100.4 you need to go directly to the ER. I always recommend you check with your doctor but

This is what I do when dealing with fevers:

1) I put my child in a lukewarm bath with 40 drops of Mary Ruth Organics iodine liquid drops (use code DRORGANICMOMMY) in an adult sized bath

You can also do a lemon soak by slicing 2-3 lemons, squeezing them and putting them into the tub. If they won’t get into the bath, you can soak their feet in this as well.

2) I also will give @maryruthorganics lemon balm (use code DRORGANICMOMMY) 

Mary Ruth Organics Lemon Balm

I dose down for my young children - 3 drops for my 3 year old /5 drops for my 6 year old /6 drops for my 8 year old/ 8 drops for my 10 year old

I give this 2-3x/day as needed but reserve one dose for the evening as fevers go up at night.

Of course ask your doctor

3) Uriel Apis Belladonna

I give this 2-3x/day as needed and again reserve one dose for the evening as fevers tend to go up at night.

4) I take a thin slice of a garlic clove and a place it on the bottom of the foot on the arch for 30 min. Can hold in place with gauze and secure with a sock. If irritated then remove/stop immediately.

5) When ready for bed, take a slice of red onion and place on bottom of foot and put a cotton or wool sock over it to hold in place and sleep over night with it. Then toss the next day.

Some of the other supplements I like are:

Oscillococcium from Borion for flu like symptoms- It’s great because they sell at most supermarkets so you can get it quickly

Olliois Cold and Flu Kit (use code DRORGANICMOMMY)- Great to order ahead of time to be prepared! Ollois has kits that make it easy when first learning how to use homeopathy.

Living Libations Illume Balm - For their chest

@tasharose.herbalist elderberry  (use code DRORGANICMOMMY) at first sign I give everyone elderberry 1x/day and the child who is sick 4x/day)

@maryruthorganics ionic zinc (use code DRORGANICMOMMY) doubled up for the sick child 

@maryruthorganics liposomal vitamin C

For adults- I always have @maryruthorganics oregano oil (use code DRORGANICMOMMY) on hand (kills everything but tastes AWFUL). Do not take if breastfeeding as it can cause supply to drop

- Grated garlic clove covered in honey and swallow

- @beekeepers_naturals throat spray and @tradmedicinals throat lozenges

- @lumeboxpro red light on my neck 2x/day and I was better in 48 hours. I love you for making this amazing device

-Nourishing warm foods like BONE BROTH and my onion tea (see cold highlight)

-My homemade cough elixir

Some other notes:

If my child has a fever for 2-3 days, then they may have a bacterial infection rather than a viral infection. In this case, I will ask my child’s pediatrician for a swab to ensure it’s bacterial before putting them on an antibiotic. I also prefer a targeted antibiotic vs a broad spectrum one as those wipe the gut more than a targeted one. Again, work with your doctor for the best option for your child 

If you need Ear Infection help click here

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