Baby + Toddler Bath Products

I am often asked what I use on my children for bath products. I created this list of my favorite items which you can also find on my Amazon store. If you have a newborn, my recommendation is to hold off on bathing them for the first month. I know this may sound gross but they have a lot of good bacteria on their skin that helps build their immune system and microbiome. You can still replicate the idea of bath-time by patting them down with a damp cloth on the changing table.


  1. Under the Luna shampoo + conditioner

  2. Aleavia Skin Care body wash (use code DRORGANICMOMMY)

  3. Beb Organic baby shampoo + body wash

  4. Earth Mama Organics

  5. California Baby shampoo + body wash

  6. Weleda Baby shampoo + body wash

    🛁 Currently I am using Aleavia body wash (use code DRORGANICMOMMY) and Under the Luna shampoo + conditioner for all of my children.


Weleda lotion

BEB Organic silky cream

Under Luna All Things Oil


Ibiza contour brush

Cotton shower curtain

Coyuchi bath towels

Nature Baby NZ bath towels

Dorai Home bath stone

HEVEA bath mat

Nature Baby NZ baby hair brush

Nature Baby NZ toddler hair brush