Questions to Ask your Prospective Pediatrician...

You basically want to know their philosophy and how they run their practice. Do you see the same person each visit? what is their call schedule so when you have a question who will be the person to call you back? Do you like the other doctors in their practice? (as most likely you will end up seeing one of them at some point in your child's life.)
You want to know when and how frequently will they see the baby? And what is their immunization schedule?

After the delivery, who will see the baby in the hospital? Soon after the birth of the child, there should be an exam of the child in the hospital.
Then ask about their background, education, and how they run their practice. The most important thing about a pediatrician is to find out their philosophy on child development. How available and responsive they will be to you and your partner?

There are certain perks that are fun to look for like...sick and well baby rooms? Saturday office hours? after hours nurse and/or doctor lines?

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