Playroom Series Part 1

After the holidays do you feel like you have a lot extra toys that the kids don't play with? ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒˆ
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First of all if you do, consider donating them to @baby2baby.
Also, remember to keep it simple. Less is more. โ €โ €โ €โ €โ €โ €โ €โ €โ €
Start by categorizing things:
1st โ€“ put a pile of stuff to keep and/or put away to rotate
2nd - make a pile to donate
3rd - make a pile for trash
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I know this can be overwhelming but start slow and do it at your own pace. I like to do it when the kids are at school or asleep. Honestly, you will feel more zen if your play area is simple. With my 1st child I was so inundated with stuff that it made ME feel overwhelmed so I did this. After doing it the 1st time, I now try to commit to doing it every so often so I keep my space streamlined. Am I the crazy mom who doesnโ€™t accept a lot of things from my relatives? Yes, but I try to guide them by using my approved guides as much as possible๐Ÿ˜‰

Try to stick with more neutral and soft tones as the world is colorful and stimulating enough. You donโ€™t need to draw more stimulation to your child. Let them draw from their imagination. Even now when you go to fill up with gas you are met with a huge screen that is playing the latest Disney movie trailer with bright lights โ€“ itโ€™s everywhere so you donโ€™t need it at home. Trust me your child wonโ€™t be behind because they donโ€™t know who Elsa is from Frozen. They will find out.
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Do you want a post with how to create a space with multiple age kids? Do you want a post on how to set up a play space? Or a post on how to set up a space when you donโ€™t have space? .
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