Nice Cream Recipes
Summer days are upon us and it is still hot and sunny after dinner. What I love making with the kids is something called 'nice cream.'
It's vegan, healthy and can be very nutritious.
The base is always going to be frozen ripe bananas or frozen mangoes which when blended gives you that ice cream texture. Don't stop there. This is a food where the options are limitless. I love adding a scoop of nut butter or sunflower seed butter for added protein, magnesium, and calcium + iron in almond butter. You may need to thin it out a little with a dairy-free milk. I use my @vitamix to blend it. Don't forget to let your kids help, and tasting it out of the blender is always the best part.
For the "Green Machine Nice Cream" - use a teaspoon of spirulina/blue Majik to make it green/blue. Pictured are goji berries on top. 🍩🍩🍩
For a pseudo "donut nice cream" adding cinnamon and a dash of vanilla is fun!
For a "Peanut butter chocolate chip" add carob powder and a date and then sprinkle unsweetened carob chips on top.
For Strawberry nice cream, throw in a few fresh strawberries and add freeze-dried strawberries on top.
*For freezing bananas, 🍌I wrap them in @ifyoucare_usa unbleached parchment paper and put them in glass Tupperware or a bag in the freezer. This really helps prevent sticking.