How Did I Get on This Health Journey

How did I get on this health journey? 🌿🍼

Here’s my story:

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When I was testing kids at the hospital (before having kids)... I started to realize that their difficulties in school and in social situations were not completely due to a diagnosed condition. Rather, they were from contributions from their lifestyle mainly their eating habits. This is when I started my clean eating lifestyle. Then, when my firstborn was 7 weeks old, he contracted both a viral and bacterial infection that landed him in the hospital for 29 days. As a new mom and doctor, I began to examine every aspect of our life. I found that there were so many toxins that could have contributed to his illness. It was one of the most traumatizing things for me to go through as a 1st-time mom, and honestly it still haunts me sometimes (getting up at 3am because he spiked a fever and running out the door to the ER).

I slowly started to change items in my life... I started with a list of what I wanted to tackle and did one or two things at a time. That way it wasn’t too overwhelming. I had already eaten organic but I dug further into the hidden ingredients in labels and researched all the company’s to find the best products. Once I finished being food clean, I got rid of everything plastic (starting with baby items like bottles, toys, etc).
The next items I tackled are the following:

Water filtration
Air filtration
Cleaning products


I am hoping that I can help use this platform as a way to educate people. I’m also not perfect and I try to balance my life by saying 80/20 to myself. I’m always learning and finding ways I can improve. It takes a village to raise kids, let alone healthy kids, so let’s all come together to help.
What are you doing to have a cleaner lifestyle? ⤵️⤵️⤵️