Dr. Organic Mommy

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Weekly Lunch Menu

Planning my kids' lunches is essential to me as a busy mom juggling life with four kids and navigating it all with ADHD. Having a plan of what the main dish of my kids' lunches will be is less stressful (for everyone), less wasteful, and more efficient. The kids like the predictability of knowing what's for lunch based on the day of the week, and may then have the flexibility of snacks based on what's in season and what we have in the home. Here is the current weekly school lunch menu; some of the dishes or ingredients correspond to using leftovers from our weekly dinner menu too.


MONDAY pasta (veggie loaded tomato sauce, pesto, vegan mac n cheese)

TUESDAY veggie fried quinoa (use up leftover veggies and use quinoa made on Sunday)

WEDNESDAY black bean corn salad with masa chips (repurposed Tuesday night taco black beans)

THURSDAY sandwich (almond butter and homemade jam, lettuce/tomato/avocado/mustard/sprouts, hummus/carrots/cucumbers)

FRIDAY salad (key is to chop everything small, can add green peas or hard boiled egg for protein, honey dijon, balsamic vinaigrette, Green Goddess dressing, etc.)