Dr. Organic Mommy

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Tips on Fostering Socialization

Here are some more tips on fostering socialization skills in children. I know everyone is concerned about the lack of socialization between children right now, but there are lots of ways to stay connected, and I'm not just talking about FaceTime. One idea is using the mail to send letters and postcards.

Have you ever seen your child receive a letter in the mail that says their name and how excited they are from it? It's so fun to see the expression on their face when they get a piece of mail! Whether it’s a letter or even a drawing you are sending or receiving from another friend or family member, it’s exciting!

You can coordinate this with some of your children’s friends’ parents and have an exchange going around. You can have grandparents do this too. Having grandparents write your kids poems is a lovely way to stay connected. You can even send little treasures in the mail like little stones, rocks or shells that your child has found or collected. Trust me, your kids will want to keep these things forever. They’ll put them on their nightstand or dresser or keepsake box. Every time they look at them they will be reminded of their friends and of their family. .