Dr. Organic Mommy

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Frustration Tolerance

Let's talk about frustration tolerance as I find that more and more kids are not able to sit with their frustration. We all want to rescue our kids and all of us want to make sure our kids don't feel pain or discomfort. You have to realize that frustration shouldn't be viewed as painful. Being able to sit with your frustration is a skill. Knowing how to move on from failing is a skill. These are things that we have to teach our kids in this day in age especially because everything comes so easily now.... From not having to wait for food being delivered or even the easy access to information -- everything is instant. 📶📶📶

When sitting with your child remember to OBSERVE. That doesn't mean that you are going to sit there and give oohs and ahhhs and tell them how great they are OR cringe if they are not doing something right...Instead, if they are becoming frustrated to a point where they are wanting to give up simply provide some verbal guidance "hmm, perhaps you may try turning the piece to see if it will fit or flipping it over" 🧩🧩🧩

Now, how do you play with a puzzle? Your child is less likely to go up to a puzzle if it is already made. I store the pieces in a bowl as a opposed to baggies because it is not as inviting.

Happy to address specific examples below ⤵️⤵️⤵️

Do your kids like to play with puzzles?