Baby + Toddler Bath Products
I am often asked what I use on my children for bath products. I created this list of my favorite items which you can also find on my Amazon store. If you have a newborn, my recommendation is to hold off on bathing them for the first month. I know this may sound gross but they have a lot of good bacteria on their skin that helps build their immune system and microbiome. You can still replicate the idea of bath-time by patting them down with a damp cloth on the changing table.
Under the Luna shampoo + conditioner
Aleavia Skin Care body wash (use code DRORGANICMOMMY)
Beb Organic baby shampoo + body wash
California Baby shampoo + body wash
Weleda Baby shampoo + body wash
🛁 Currently I am using Aleavia body wash (use code DRORGANICMOMMY) and Under the Luna shampoo + conditioner for all of my children.
Weleda lotion
BEB Organic silky cream
Under Luna All Things Oil
Coyuchi bath towels
Dorai Home bath stone
HEVEA bath mat