Dr. Organic Mommy

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Awesome Moms

I am so inspired by all the amazing moms on Instagram and really believe that it takes a village to raise a child! 🙌🙌🙌
Unfortunately, in this day and age, you are no longer surrounded by a village, which can be very lonely. 
I have learned so much from all of these amazing moms that I have been able to connect with through @instagram 🙏🙏🙏
Here are some more of my #followfridaymamas :
🍅@fitmomma4three (Melanie is an exercise goddess and a working vegan mama who shows you how to workout without equipment and with kids) 🥒 @organicfoodforkids (Marta is hysterical and has such great clean food and beauty ideas) 🍅 @veggiesandvirtue (Ashley is a pediatric nutritionist and the biggest sweetheart out there) 🥕 @cleanlittleplates (check out Melanie for an honest and real look at a working mom who handles two kids and is sweet as can be) 🥦 @theworkspaceforchildren (Lizzie is an awesome educator and shows how to really foster a child's development through play)